
Introduction to data use for health


Click here for a glossary of data use terms

Key Websites

Convert most files (Shapefiles, Excel, .csv, KML, etc) to different types of GIS files (Shapefiles, KML, etc.)
Information portal for issues relating to GIS including news, tips and resources.
Provision of maps containing geographically-linked health and demographic data from the DHS program and the US Census Bure.
Diagnostic tool for evaluating the robustness of different map color schemes.
Datasets for supporting humanitarian projects across multiple sectors.

Shapefiles repositories


Online Tutorials

GIS Tutor
Easy to understand tutorials for GIS users of all skill levels.

Geographic Approaches to Global Health: A Self-Directed Mini-Course (2012)
Basics of how geography and spatial data and tools can be used to improve global health programs.

Online Support Communities

Online forum related to GIS software.

Related Articles

David McCandless - The beauty of data visualization Ted Talk on turning complex data sets into simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections.

Geographic Tools for Global Public Health: An Assessment of Available Software (2013) Provides an overview of different GIS software and applications and their applicability to Global Public Health.

Using Geospatial Analysis to Inform Decision Making (2014) Guidance document from MEASURE on using GIS for decision making in targeting health facility-based programs.

Why maps matter: Delivering the right HIV services in the right place at the right time (2014) Health Policy Project blog piece on the importance of mapping HIV services as PEPFAR shifts from PEPFAR II to PEPFAR III.